— An alignment audit for your language & layout —

Expert guidance to hone what’s working, transform what isn’t, and ensure that your website is a tool for engagement and impact.

Make your copy count.

As leaders, entrepreneurs, and justice-rooted orgs, our websites are the home base for our businesses. Our sites serve as pivotal points of connection, engagement, and resonance — a powerful invitation into our values-centered offerings.

Ideally, our sites can give us the space to speak our truth (away from algorithms that stifle our content), communicate directly to our kindred community (without the cacophony of noise and distraction), and share the potency of our work (in our own words, with our own unique stamp).

Yet very often, we're too close to our own work to see the places where our current content could be more effective. Our offerings evolve, our businesses change, and yet our websites don't reflect our growth.

Our work and our offerings are not stagnant. 
But so often, our website content is.

So we miss opportunities to share clear and compelling communication that genuinely connects with our right-fit folks. We say too much or too little, falling into the extractive formulas we've been taught, and forgetting to call our community into action. We forsake chances to be of deeper service.

What kind of expanded impact will you have
when your language feels resonant, alive, clear, liberatory, and inviting?


“I hadn't felt good about my website for so long. I hated to even look at it or read the content. The work we've done together totally transformed my relationship to my website. And since our work, new members have been pouring in! I couldn't be happier!” —Kim Stout, Coach & Owner of Fitness Union

Through the Website Roadmap Process, I’ll:

  1. Take inventory of your current site (or in-process drafts), paying focused attention to language, layout, and visuals

  2. Help you to clarify what role your current website is playing in your business (and what role you want it to play)

  3. Focus on tone, ensuring that your unique voice is clearly expressed throughout your content

  4. Note any extractive, formulaic, or manipulative language and reorient towards language that is relational and liberatory

  5. Pinpoint any gaps or missing content pieces

  6. Identify and hone clear and compelling calls to action

  7. Look for increased ways where your language can powerfully communicate the impact and value of your unique offerings

  8. Make recommendations to support cohesion across your site

  9. Write some brand new “content gems” you can weave throughout your copy (!!)

  10. Outline a personalized action plan to guide you as you integrate these changes

  11. Support you to feel emboldened and inspired to uplift & enhance your website content!


Our websites are a vital way to deepen the ripples of our impact.

Let's make sure that your website is serving you —
so that you can best serve your purpose and your people!

I'm struck by what a transformative difference it can make to have another person's wisdom, skillset, and feedback on your work and words! Thank you for sharing your exquisite guidance, Anya!” —Audrey Voon, Song Weaver & Holistic Voice Coach

“I truly cannot convey to you how valuable this is and how much it bone-deep, soul-central means to me. I've circled around all of this literally for years and you pulled it all together — or actually dove down and pulled out of me the element that tied it all together. All of the puzzle pieces have fallen into place.” —Lori Stone, Writer & Workshop Facilitator

How it works:

1. You complete our Intake Questionnaire and send me links to your content (finished or in progress).

2. I put my editor-consultant-word weaver hat on and conduct an Alignment Audit of your website, generating clear action steps and recommendations for your language, layout, and flow. I also write a few inspired Original Content Gems you can integrate into your site! *Please note, other than these limited Content Gems, I won’t be directly editing your content or creating original language.

3. A week or two later we connect in real time, for a live, 45-min Content Convo to look at your pages together, review recommended changes, answer all your questions, celebrate what’s working well, and make certain that you feel resourced and ready with generative next steps.

4. You receive a Comprehensive Guide via Google Doc of all that we reviewed — (i.e. a “website roadmap!”) and feel emboldened to implement simple, catalyzing transformations to your language and layout!!

*Pay your first installment to reserve your spot. Then we can begin our work anytime in August—November.

Within one to two weeks you'll have a tangible, personalized action plan — your website roadmap!


Your investment:

Payment can be made in one, two, or three installments. $600 is due to begin our work.

This is a great stand-alone process if you’re excited to write and refresh your own copy, or it can be a fabulous foundation for our continued copywriting collaboration. *The Roadmap cost will be subtracted from the Vision.Values.Voice package if you decide to continue our word-weaving work.


Your support was the beginning of me finding my voice in my business, and therefore finding my way. You helped me to find a whole new language that flows throughout my business. I recommend you to everyone looking to find their own voice in their offerings.” —Emily Rose Wheeler, Founder of Mystic Rose

“This is something I have been trying to find the words to say for so long. I can feel the clarity in my heart and bones.” —Carol Thamert, Nurse Practitioner & Creative Wellness Weaver

“Anya is a brilliant, sparkly badass and her support is transformative.”
—Jeevan Singh, Somatic Healer & Embodiment Coach

“Your magical words lift me up and illuminate so many gut-level truths. I want to have your content gems tattooed on my eyeballs so I never forget who I am and what I’m capable of. This process gave me such a clear vision of the work that I am doing in the world and I've come away with what feels like marching orders from the universe.” 
—Annamieka Hopps,
Painter & Artist Mentor